








Everyone reacts differently to ideas like responsibility, commitment, tradition, society. Saturn’s influence brings a certain maturity that we do not encounter with Jupiter; while Jupiter enjoys the freedoms and privileges of adult life, Saturn is stuck dealing with the cold, harsh reality.

Many people find it difficult to deal with Saturn’s influence because it is a heavy dose of reality. The truth (reality) causes pain and not all are dispassionate enough to tackle their pain head on; for most of us, we seek ways to avoid the harshness of life. Hence why Saturn is also known as the lord of karma and is seen with a scythe: he represents the harvester reaping what has been sown. We get the fruits of our labor, be they desirable or otherwise.

The delay of waiting for seeds to sprout, which take weeks or months, is a necessary stage of growth. But, of course, if nothing has been planted, there will be no fruit to bear, no harvest, and no food for the winter. The reality is we will die that winter. Many cannot take up that mantle of responsibility, instead preferring the quicker and larger satisfying rewards from Jupiter – who makes two whole revolutions around our star before Saturn can even complete one journey. However Jupiter is known for his oversight and wantonness, whereas Saturn is experienced and cautious. Therefore Saturn’s payout is more satisfying as it requires an investment of effort and intention to manifest.


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